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Taken 11-Jul-11
Visitors 18

4 of 50 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions5336 x 3744
Original file size13.5 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceAdobe RGB (1998)
Date taken11-Jul-11 17:20
Date modified29-Aug-18 16:51
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeCanon
Camera modelCanon EOS 5D Mark II
Focal length23 mm
Max lens aperturef/2.8
Exposure1/40 at f/11
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeManual
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 100
Metering modePattern
San Francisco de Asis

San Francisco de Asis

San Francisco de Asis Mission Church is a historic and architecturally significant church on the main plaza of Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico. Built between 1772 and 1816, it is one of the finest extant examples of a Spanish Colonial New Mexico mission church, and is a popular target for photographers. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1970.