D_Gill_Picacho wildflowerrs-1
Arizona Jewelflower
Scientific Name: Streptanthus carinatus
Common Names: Lyreleaf Jewelflower, Arizona Jewelflower
Plant Characteristics
Duration: Annual, Biennial
Growth Habit: Herb/Forb
Arizona Native Status: Native
Habitat: Desert
Flower Color: White to cream, Yellow, Maroon to pale purplish
Flowering Season: Winter (late), Spring
Height: To 3 1/2 feet (107 cm) tall
Description: The flowers are vase-shaped, 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) long, and have 4 curled petals lined with maroon veins. The flowers are typically white or cream here, but they may be yellow or purple elsewhere. The leaves clasp the stems and are glaucous green, lobed lower on the plant, and lance-oblong, lance-ovate, to elongated triangular in shape. The stems are tall and slender.