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Taken 8-Aug-10
Visitors 44

6 of 53 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions5598 x 3726
Original file size11 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceAdobe RGB (1998)
Date taken8-Aug-10 19:08
Date modified5-Sep-18 12:56
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelCanon EOS 5D Mark II
Focal length20 mm
Exposure1/6 at f/11
ISO speedISO 100
Luna Lake sunset reflection

Luna Lake sunset reflection

Luna Lake is a natural body of water that covers approximately 75 acres (0.30 km2) of land. It is located about three miles (5 km) southeast of Alpine, Arizona at the elevation of 7,890 ft (2,400 m).
Luna Lake has the distinction of being part of the San Francisco River, flowing easterly into New Mexico, then south, and west into the Gila River (in Arizona). The headwaters are north of the other main mountain tributary to the Gila, the Blue River of Arizona.